Reenas Kalavara, also known as Sahana, is a chef or turned to business by circumstance. When her will came to mind again, her husband brought her back to the area. Today, it provides training online for women around the world to make cakes and do business at home.
Youtube Channel
Reenas Kalavara
Youtube Subscribers
393 K
ConnectSalha beegum A
My channel contains life style vlogs, beauty tip, Motivational speeches and health tips etc..
Youtube Channel
Silu Talks
Youtube Subscribers
1.2 M
ConnectSalu koshy
I am Salu, an entrepreneur living in Kochi. Previously I have worked in banking sector for around 10 years before quitting to follow my passion. My love for plants and greenery made me start my YouTube channel in July 2019.To spread this green revolution everywhere I am contributing in my own way by posting Gardening Tips,Care and beautiful garden Tour videos and spreading Beauty of nature to all. For styling house plants to sustainable home decors for plants.I simply want to share my love and passion for plants and Gardening..
Youtube Channel
Salu Koshy
Youtube Subscribers
270 K
ConnectShelmy Joseph
Hi I am Shelmy Joseph from Thrissur . A Typical Thrissurkari. My channel is all about lifestyle, product reviews, entertainment and many more you will find in my channel. I capture everything that I find interesting and share it to the world it can be anything and everything I always believe. If I cannot do great things, I can do small things in a great way. Be Happy and Be Positive
Youtube Channel
Life With Shelmy
Youtube Subscribers
222 K